I'm really glad you're here.

Chelsey Blair (formerly Chelsey Magaoay) is a painter and illustrator and a California native. She was born and raised in Grass Valley, California. After graduating from San Diego State University in 2018 with a Bachelor's Degree in Studio Arts, she moved to San Jose, California to pursue a creative life.
After a separation and living in the Bay Area for five years, she moved back to San Diego with rose-colored glasses, hoping to find herself in this new era of singlehood and creative entrepreneurship. Despite the hardships of restarting, she aims to spread love and joy with her comedic flair for life, her obsession with flowers, and her love of making art.
Her practice is rooted in oil & watercolor painting, digital illustration, and photography.

"Growing up, I always had that creative itch. I enjoyed coloring in sketchbooks, singing, and dancing. I felt inspired by television and movies. I even thought it would be amazing to someday be an actress who was a triple threat. However, I was painfully shy as a child and still get a little apprehensive about sharing my work to this day.
I enjoy drawing and painting flowers the most. I don't know how it came to be, but now it is an obsession. Who couldn't be obsessed with flowers? They come in many shapes, sizes, and variations. Some are beautiful and delicate. Some can even be bold and dangerous. It's a whole world I love exploring and tying to my journey with mental health.
Flowers can be a symbol of emotions. In the Victorian era, flowers were a language used to communicate because feelings could not be proclaimed publicly. They are here to make people happy and feel better. They are the medicine for the soul.
Although I am currently focused heavily on flowers, I don't see them being the scope of all the art I will make in my life. I have many interests in aspects of life that go beyond the garden, from music to architecture to food. Who knows? Maybe I'll stay in this lane or maybe I'll grow (pun intended)."